Caring for your deck with professional repair work, maintenance and cleaning
Let the experts clean and maintain your deck

Remove the drudgery from maintaining your deck
Do you put off deck maintenance because you can’t (or rather don’t want) to find the time? Would you rather enjoy your precious time off with your family rather than always working on your days off?
Has the mouldy bloom on your merbau darkened your deck and have loose nails become a problem?
We can take over the tasks that keep you from enjoying your days off!
Call us! We can help you on an ad hoc basis, when something needs to be done. Or, we can consult with you to come up with a maintenance plan. That way we can attend to issues before they become major problems.
Cleaning a timber deck is not as simple as it sounds. There are ecological ways to manage the growth of mould and associated problems, that darken your deck and form a coating on what was once clear, luminous decking varnish (whether oil- or water-based).
Don’t go back to “square one” by leaving maintenance too long.
You’ll want someone with a professional eye to replace fixings, joists and other supporting structures, as well as planks. And then you’ll want a durable coating that can be refreshed on a schedule. The problem with waiting too long is that instead of a refresh, you’ll need to go back to square one. Sunshine Coast Decking will help you manage your maintenance affordably.